Event: Jakarta at 30 million. Where does the city go next?

The Guardian Cities project is visiting Jakarta next week and are collaborating with the Rujak Centre for Urban Studies to put on an event on Monday entitled Jakarta at 30 million: where does the city go next? 

The write-up for the event is as follows:

Guardian Cities kicks off its Jakarta Week series by joining the Rujak Centre for Urban Studies to get under the skin of south-east Asia's great megacity. From mobility and water to creativity and inequality, a special panel of top urbanists, architects and cultural experts will be in conversation about Jakarta's biggest challenges, its rapid push to modernise – and how to stop people getting left behind.

The event is being hosted at Goethehaus, in Menteng on Monday the 21st of November, so if this is of interest, make sure you get along.

You can register and find more information at their Eventbrite page here.

As part of this visit, the Guardian is also asking people for their stories about how Jakarta is currently changing. If you’d like to contribute, you can find more information here.

NB: Kartika Jahja from Tika and the Dissidents will be on the panel too!

Disclaimer: This post is for general information of readers only. I have no relevant affiliations and am receiving no compensation for this post.